Jonathan Shupp, Sewage Enforcement Officer
Keystone Consulting Engineering, Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer
Rebecca Tippett, Secretary
Office: (610) 681-5376
Permits are required for new systems, modifications, repairs and replacements.
IMPORTANT: All required applications, fees and support documentation must be dropped off to the Sewage Enforcement Officer's secretary before any testing is completed or permits issued.
The application to apply for a Site Suitability can be downloaded from our website or picked up at the Municipal Building. Fees must be paid for when applying for the site suitably. After the SEO's secretary confirms application and payment, the test can be scheduled with the SEO.
Please note: Applicants are responsible to dig the required holes for the tests.
Septic designs must be accompanied with the required DEP form and payment. DEP forms cannot be mailed. They must be picked up at the Municipal Building.
New Well Permits are required in Polk Township.
If you have any questions regarding wells or septic systems, please call the Township and speak with the Sewage Enforcement Officer's secretary, Rebecca Tippett.